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Saturday, July 3

Well Dear Friends & Family,

I truly hope that all of you forgive me for not being able to keep up with my blog and know that, I really do love you all and am not ignoring you on purpose. As I’m sure I’ve explained, I can only use the internet when I can make it to the city (which is a forty minute bus ride away) and I simply haven’t been able to make to the city at all because we keep having classes on weekends.

But none of that is important at the moment, what is important that I finally have the chance to write to you all now. And my typing has seemed to fail in the past two months, I swear this is taking me twice as long as it should because every three letters I make a typing error that I have to fix. Oh! And for all those who care my spanish has improved like I never thought possible! I absolutely love being able to understand another language and think that if I do become fluent in this language, it may become a new habit for me.. that is, to learn other languages. There are two other girls in my dts not from latin america, aka there are only two other girls whos first language isn't spanish.... and they both speak multiple languages. Its quite the inspiration.

So right now i'm at this wifi restaurant and as i'm sure at least some of you know, right now is the World Cup and Argentina lives for soccer. (Literally life stops for the world cup here. You have trouble finding taxis, the restaurants are open but the staff stops working and watches the game with the customers...the police obviously cant come in and watch with us, but they're standing outside watching the game through the windows..) Well let me tell you, we're all watching the semi-finals right now of Argentina v. Germany.. I'm happy i dont speak germany. I may even try and avoid speaking english incase someone mistakes it for german. haha. But seriously, you learn a lot about the culture watching soccer with them-- oh they scored again. now its 3-0.

Life for the past few weeks has been crazy (when do i not say life here is crazy),

and of course i have to go now. before i get a chance to finish. sorry guys. i miss you tons!

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