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Friday, March 11

Hiii! Ni Hao.. Hola.. Namaste.. Venecome..

Haha, I haven't the slightest clue if i spelt that last one even close to correct... its in Tamil. I've been travelling Asia now for the past two months and a half but i can't talk too much in detail until i return to the west as a safety measure (things such as country names and activities-- please don't mention in comments. Thank you!)

However i have to say i'm beginning to miss home! Some tasty burgers or spinach salad. mm mm good. April, coming home in april.

These past months have been undescribably life changing, it makes me laugh to think that i wanted to get sufficient life experience going to a college; the Lord surprised me with an adventure that unfolded step by step from one corner of the world to the others. Why He chose me- is a question that makes my head spin and my logic fail, but perhaps it was simple as Isaiah put it, "But this is a people... with no one to rescue them... Which of you will listen to this or pay close attention in time to come?". Its been amazing watching how God truly does have a calling and purpose in each person, and usually its a whole lot bigger than what we think it will be! We think we're not good enough, dont have 'that gift', are too poor... what ever excuse. But i've seen so many who thought excuses just as these, based out of fear, doubt, rejection and pride- come against these barriers and seen them torn to pieces at the foot of the Cross.

And it's beautiful.