Being that i had already been interested in the school of frontier missions (henceforth known as sofm because the whole name is Much too long to type out) but had never truly looked into, i now had to decide what to do about plane tickets. The problem was, if i bought a non-economical (plane talk for: we will charge you for switching or canceling you return flight) flight but decided to do sofm there would be an issue. However buying an 'economical' flight is $800 more. To be quite honest after all my research i decided economical flights are a scam, most airlines still charge you anyways and the fee for buying a non-economical flight is usually less than what you pay for the economical flight without its 'smaller' fee. (just a disclaimer, this is only the truth of my situation and would not suggest someone in a different situation to do the same without first researching their options.) Anyways, all of that to say i finally bought my ticket after much deliberation and got it for a good price set for a five month trip. Incase you're curious the fee for switching my flight is only $75.
However my newest dilemma is the last leg of my travels. You see the flight i bought only flies as far as Santiago, Chile as i intended to take a bus across the border and over the mountains. However, to be accredited to my senselessness i bought the plane ticket with out thinking of how long i'd be waiting around before the bus left the station. You see, my flight lands in Chile at 9:30 pm. Most buses leave the next morning from the bus station at 7:30. I've been able to find some bus services that leave at 11 pm and even 12 pm but haven't been able to confirm that they have availability or how far away from the airport they are.
If you could pray all of this works out and that my travels are safe and easy I would be more than appreciative! And incase anyone is worried that all of my blogs will be about my dilemas- in two weeks i'll have already gone through all my flights, buses and taxis and be living on a farm in Mendoza, Argentina. Let me tell you, my blogs should be nothing less than my ecstatic joy and ramblings on how everyone should move to Argentina. ;)
glad you're doing this blog :) miss you so much!
I miss you too Ev! Let's keep in touch :D